NIHD is proud to announce the 7th annual scholarship for our members for the 2024 HCD Conference + Expo held in Indianapolis in October! This scholarship was created to allow for NIHD members to become more engaged within the organization by attending our annual activities at HCD. A full conference registration + $1000 travel & hotel stipend will be awarded to two NIHD members to use to attend HCD in Indianapolis, IN. The travel stipend is funded by the NIHD Foundation.

Note: You must be an active member of NIHD to be eligible. Sign-in to open the application.




Evaluation criteria for Application Questions is as follows:


0 points- answer does not touch on NIHD mission or vision.

1 point- answer touches on either NIHD mission or vision.

2 points- answer touches on both NIHD mission and vision.


0 points- answer fails to mention educating, inspiring, or contributing to healthcare leaders in healthcare design and construction.

1 point- answer touches on educating, inspiring, or contributing to healthcare leaders in healthcare design and construction.

2 points- answer clearly outlines the goal of educating, inspiring, or contributing to healthcare leaders in healthcare design and construction.


0 points- answer does not mention individual learning objectives for HCD conference.

1 point- answer touches on individual learning objectives for HCD conference.

2 points- answer defines individual learning objectives for HCD conference and application in work environment.