Book Order: Nurses as Leaders in Healthcare Design

Nurses as Leaders in Healthcare Design; A Resources for Nurses and Inter-professional Partners
In 2015, Herman Miller Healthcare partnered with the Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (NIHD) to produce a book focused on nurses and other clinicians roles in planning and design of healthcare environments to optimize patient, provider and organizational outcomes. This book builds upon the success of Herman Miller's recent publication in collaboration with D. Kirk Hamilton entitled Rigor and Research in Healthcare Design: A Decade of Advocacy.
As a useful reference and resource, it is a basic guide for clinicians, healthcare leadership and multiple disciplines as well as a relationship development tool for the Herman Miller Healthcare sales team. It was the intent of the authors to create varied visual tools for the reader. This graphic-rich collection will aid the reader in applying the concepts outlined.
Kathy Okland RN, MPH, EDAC and Jaynelle Stichler DNS, RN, NEA-BC, EDAC, FACHE, FAAN served as executive editors to facilitate the development of ALL NEW content focusing on the value of clinical involvement in health design. Authors are NIHD members, as well as number of other select clinical leaders / authors. A variety of influential nurse leaders and other key healthcare design players have contributed to the content of the book.
Book Contents Includes:
Chapter 1: Perspectives on the Foundation & History of Nursing in Healthcare Design
Chapter 2: Why Design Matters: Maslow’s Hierarchy for Healthcare Design
Chapter 3: Nurse Led Innovation in Healthcare Design
Chapter 4: Translating the Vision into Reality
Chapter 5: Using Evidence to Guide Design Decisions
Chapter 6: Structure to Achieve Outcomes: Leading the Design Process
Chapter 7: Orchestrating the Details for Success
Chapter 8: Transition and Activation Planning
Chapter 9: Nursing Influence on Post Occupancy Evaluations
Chapter 10: Future Trends and the Impact on Healthcare Design
Glossary of Terms (Courtesy of The Center for Health Design)
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