The nominating process – a key to good leadership.

Blog Contribution by NIHD President Kristina Krail, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, PMP, EDAC

I can assume because it’s a United States presidential election year, many people are interested in the process of how candidates get on the ballot. The USA has one of the most complex, lengthy, and expensive nominating processes in the world. Long before the general election in November, through state primaries and caucuses, candidates accumulate enough party delegates in advance of national party conventions held the preceding summer where the delegates officially select their nominee.


The nominating process for not-for-profit and for-profit organization officers is much less complicated and straight forward. Usually, a nominating committee is responsible for assuring talented appointments for key positions by creating a slate of candidates to be voted on by the shareholders or members. This is very much how NIHD operates. Our bylaws state “Upon prior Board approval, the Nominating Committee shall submit an electronic slate of Board and officer candidates to the general membership.” The bylaws also stipulate “The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the Past President and be comprised of at least one (1) additional Board member and two (2) current NIHD members who are appointed by the Board.” Finally, the NIHD board election process states: “a majority of the general membership who vote decide the election.”

Simple enough? Well, there is more to it than that if NIHD wants to build organizational value, maintain continuity across terms, and assure success through goal attainment. Having the right board members who are qualified and willing to serve is a key factor in getting those results. And an informed and participative nominating process is necessary to getting the right people in place.

The Board and the Nominating committee have reviewed and put forth to the membership the position descriptions for open positions this year; namely Board Member for Education, President-Elect, and Board Member for Engagement. Much thought has gone into articulating the qualifications, qualities, skills, and effort requirements (view job descriptions). Next, a general call for nominations has been issued. This is where each and every NIHD member can be part of the process and assist the Nominating Committee. With an understanding of the role requirements, you are empowered to muse, recommend, or directly nominate yourself or a fellow NIHD member to run for office. We are counting on you to identify potential candidates. Think about those who have served on committees or tasks forces who demonstrate the qualifications we are seeking. Recall the times you have witnessed NIHD members reveal leadership skills that would serve well our organization. Could you or a colleague represent the diverse needs of our group and uphold our values? Do you feel this is the right time to get more involved in your professional organization, or do you have an NIHD colleague that has ever expressed an interest to get more involved? These are the people we want to hear about.

Our intent this election season is to put together a slate of qualified candidates to seat a Board that is capable of realizing the strategic plan. We want to give a chance to anyone who wants to be involved at the board level to be given consideration. Even if unsuccessful in your bid, getting on the ticket is an entrée to a leadership role and perhaps eventually winning sometime in the future. If you have someone one in mind but want to explore the idea further or need assistance, please reach out to our Board members on the Nominating Committee, Anthony Mistretta ( or Pamela Jones ( who can help. Having a strong and proactive board nominating process is the key to leadership acquisition and is crucial for the board’s operational effectiveness. Consider nominating yourself or an NIHD colleague!


NIHD collaborates with clinicians, design professionals and industry partners in the healthcare design process to shape the future of healthcare design.